
时间: 2024-04-04 浏览: 2565


  : 男


Email: zhanglizhen@cau.edu.cn


         张立祯,男,196712月出生,甘肃景泰县人,中国农业大学资源与环境学院教授,博士生导师。主要从事棉花栽培、作物模型、间套作、气候变化和作物-水分关系研究。南京农业大学作物耕作学与栽培学博士,荷兰Wageningen大学生态学博士。主持或参加国家重点研发计划、自然科学基金重大项目、兵团重大科技项目、兵团财政科技计划项目等20多项,获得农业部科学技术进步一等奖、兵团科技进步一等奖等各种奖励5项。发表学术论文150多篇,其中在Annals of BotanyField Crops Research等国际刊物上发表SCIEI)论文60余篇


1985.9-1989.7         中国农业业大学(北京农业大学)   农学系农学专业                               学士

2000.9-2003.7         南京农业大学                                            作物耕作学与栽培学                        博士

2001.11-2007.7       Wageningen University                               生态学                                                 博士

2004.9-2007.9         中国农业大学                                            农业资源利用                                   博士后


1989.7-2008.2       中国农业科学院棉花研究所,科研处副处长,耕作栽培研究室副主任,研究实习员、助理研究员、副研究员

2008.2-至今   中国农业大学资源与环境学院气象系, 副教授, 教授

2020.11- 至今       新疆农业大学环境与环境学院副院长(援疆)


Journal of Cotton Research》副主编


棉花栽培;间套作种植; 作物模型; 气候变化;农业资源利用;生物多样性;作物水分关系








1. 自治区人才专项计划,10万元,主持,在研
2. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 41673127, 干旱内陆水体微生物胞外聚合物与汞络合物的环境 行为, 2017-01-01 至 2020-12-31, 71万元, 结题, 参与




1.       Chen, Y., Zhang, Z., Wang, X.*, Sun, S., Zhang, Y., Wang, S., Yang, M., Ji, F., Ji, C., Xiang, D., Zha, T., Zhang, L.*, 2022. Sap velocity, transpiration and water use efficiency of drip-irrigated cotton in response to chemical topping and row spacing. Agricultural Water Management 267, 107611. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2022.107611

2.       Zhang, Y., Sun, Z.*, Su, Z., Du, G., Bai, W., Wang, Q., Wang, R., Nie, J., Sun, T., Feng, C., Zhang, Z., Yang, N., Zhang, X., Evers, J.B., van der Werf, W., Zhang, L.*, 2022. Root plasticity and interspecific complementarity improve yields and water use efficiency of maize/soybean intercropping in a water-limited condition. Field Crops Research 282,108523.


3.       Zhang,WP, Dario, F, Liu, GC, Josep, P, Jordi, S, Sun, JH, Zhang, L, Li, L, 2021. Interspecific interactions affect N and P uptake rather than N:P ratios of plant species: evidence from intercropping. The Journal of Plant Ecology. 10.1093/jpe/rtab084.

4.       Huang, B., Zou, X., Xu, H., Xu, J. Liu, H., Sun, W., Gong, L., Niu, S., Feng, L., Yang, N., Zhang, L., Sun, Z., 2021. Seedling defoliation of cereal crops increases peanut growth and yield in an intercropping system, The Crop Journal, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2021.05.012

5.       Wang R., Sun Z., Bai W., Wang E., Wang Q., Zhang D., Zhang Y., Yang N., Liu Y., Nie J., Chen Y., Duan L.. Zhang L.*, 2021. Canopy heterogeneity with border-row proportion affects light interception and use efficiency in maize/peanut strip intercropping. Field Crops Res. 271, 108329.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2021.108239

6.       Feng, C., Sun, Z., Zhang, L., Feng, L., Zheng, J., Bai, W., Gu, C., Wang, Q., Xu, Z., van der Werf, W., 2021. Maize/peanut intercropping increases land productivity: A meta-analysis. Field Crops Research, 270, 108208. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2021.108208

7.       Wang, Q., Sun, Z., Bai, W., Zhang, D., Zhang, Y., Wang, R., van der Werf. W., Evers, J.B., Stopmph, J., Guo, J., Zhang, L.*, 2021. Light interception and use efficiency differ with maize plant density in maize-peanut intercropping. Frontiers of Agricultural Science & Engineering, https://doi.org/10.15302/J-FASE-2021403.

8.       Arshad, A.; Raza, M.A.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, L*.; Wang, X.; Ahmed, M.; Habib-ur-Rehman, M. Impact of Climate Warming on Cotton Growth and Yields in China and Pakistan: A Regional Perspective. Agriculture 2021, 11, 97. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture11020097

9.       Wang, Q., Bai, W., Sun, Z., Zhang, D., Zhang, Y., Wang, R., Evers, J.B., Stomph, T.J., van der Werf, W., Feng, C., Zhang, L.*, 2021. Does reduced intraspecific competition of the dominant species in intercrops allow for a higher population density?. Food Energy Secur. 00:e270. https://doi.org/10.1002/fes3.270


10.     Meng, L., Zhang, L., Qi, H., Du, M., Zuo, Y., Zhang, M., Tian, X., Li, Z., 2020. Optimizing application of a novel harvest-aid to improve cotton machine harvesting quality in North China Plain. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 19(0), 2-9

11.     Zhang, D., Sun, Z., Feng, L., Bai, W., Yang, N., Zhang, Z., Du, G., Feng, C., Cai, C., Wang, Q., Zhang, Y., Wang, Y., Arshad, A., Hao, X., Sun, M., Gao, Z., Zhang, L.*, 2020. Maize plant density affects yield, growth and source-sink relationship of crops in maize/peanut intercropping. Field Crops Research, 257, 107926.

12.     Stomph, T., Dordas, C., Baranger, A., de Rijk, J., Dong, B., Evers, J.B., Gu, C., Li, L., Simon, J., Jensen, E.S., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Wang, Z., Xu, X., Zhang, C., Zhang, L., Zhang, W., Bedoussac, L., van der Werf, W., 2020. Designing intercrops for high yield, yield stability and efficient use of resources: Are there principles? Advances in Agronomy, 160, https://doi.org/10.1016/bs.agron.2019.10.002

13.     Wang, R., Sun, Z., Zhang, L.*, Yang, N., Feng, L., Bai, W., Zhang, D., Wang, Q., Evers, J.B., Liu, Y., Ren, J., Zhang, Y., van der Werf, W., 2020. Border-row proportion determines strength of interspecific interactions and crop yields in maize/peanut strip intercropping. Field Crops Research, Doi: PII S0378-4290(19)31838-6.

14.     Tan Meixiu, Gou Fang, Tjeerd Jan Stomph, Wang Jing, Yin Wen, Zhang Lizhen, Chai Qiang, Wopke van der Werf, 2020, Dynamic process-based modelling of crop growth and competitive water extraction in relay strip intercropping: Model development and application to wheat-maize intercropping. Field Crops Research. 246, 107613. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2019.107613

15.     Arshad, A., H. Qamar, R. Siti-Sundari, Z. Yue, M. Zubair, M.A. Raza, M.H. Rehman and L. Zhang*. 2020. Phenotypic plasticity of spineless safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) cultivars in response to exogenous application of salicylic acid under rainfed climate conditions. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research, 33(x): xxx-xxx. http://dx.doi.org /10.17582/ journal.pjar/2017/33.

16.     董宛麟,程路,孙志刚,张立祯,胡琦,李仕冀,何奇瑾,潘学标,夏玉米产量时空变化及气候年型分析.玉米科学202028(5)110118

17.     杨杰,杜明伟,朱烨倩,羿国香,李亚兵,田晓莉,李水清,陈舫,张立祯*,李召虎, 2020. “棉太金”对长江流域棉区麦(油)后直播棉花株型结构的影响. 中国棉花,47(10), 21-29.

18.     聂嘉谊,杜明伟,朱烨倩,羿国香,李亚兵,田晓莉,李水清,陈舫,张立祯*,李召虎, 2020. “棉太金”对长江流域棉区不同密度麦(油)后直播棉产量形成和成铃结构的影响. 47(10), 11-17

19.     万璐,杜明伟,王雪姣,王森,王林,梁皓,张立祯*,李召虎, 2020. 物联网与作物模型在智慧棉花系统中的应用与展望. 中国棉花,478), 1-6

20.     邢晋,张思平,赵新华,魏然,闫贞贞,张立祯*2020. 不同颜色地膜覆盖对棉花冠层构型及光合特性的调控效应. 核农学报,3412),2850-2857



21.     Zhang, Y., Zhang, L.,* Yang, N., Huth, N., Wang E., van der Werf, W., Evers, J.B., Wang, Q., Zhang, D., Wang, R., Gao, H., Anten N.P.R.,2019. Optimized sowing time windows mitigate climate risks for oats production under cool semi-arid growing conditions. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 266-267,184-197. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2018.12.019

22.     Ren, J., Zhang, L.*, Duan, Y., Zhang, J., Evers, J.B., Zhang, Y., Su, Z., van der Werf, W., 2018. Intercropping potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) with hairy vetch (Vicia villosa) increases water use efficiency in dry conditions. Field Crops Res. 240,168-176. doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2018.12.002

23.     Yue Zhang, Yu Duan, Jiayi Nie, Jie Yang, Jianhong Ren, Wopke van der Werf, Jochem B. Evers, Jun Zhang, Zhicheng Sue, Lizhen Zhang*, 2019. A lack of complementarity for water acquisition limits yield advantage of oats/vetch intercropping in a semi-arid condition. Agricultural Water Management 225, 105778.

24.     Xiaojin Zou, Zhanxiang Sun, Ning Yang, Lizhen Zhang, Wentao Sun, Shiwei Niu, Lining Tan, Huiyu Liu, Dario Fornara, and Long Li, 2019. Interspecific root interactions enhance photosynthesis and biomass of intercropped millet and peanut plants. Crop & Pasture Science 70, 234-243.

25.     Zhang, Q., Zhang, L., Chai, M., Yang, D., van der Werf, W., Evers, J., Duan, L., 2019. Use of EDAH improves maize morphological and mechanical traits related to lodging. Agron. J. 2019, 111, 1-11.

26.     Zhang Z., Zhang, Y., Sun, Z., Zheng, J., Liu, E., Feng, L., Feng, C., Si, P., Bai, W., Cai, Q., Yang, N., ver der Werf, W., Zhang, L., 2019. Plastic film cover during the fallow season preceding sowing increases yield and water use efficiency of rain-fed spring maize in a semi-arid climate. Agricultural Water Management, 212, 203-210.

27.     DANG Hongzhong, ZHANG Lizhen, YANG Wenbin, FENG Jinchao, HAN Hui, CHEN Yiben, 2019. Severe drought strongly reduces water use and its recovery ability of mature Mongolian Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Litv.) in a semi-arid sandy environment of northern China. Journal of Arid Land, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40333-019-0029-2.

28.     董宛麟于航张立祯王旗张悦王若楠段玉赵沛义, 2019. 东北地区沟垄和地膜覆盖对土壤水分分布及利用的影响. 玉米科学27(03),114-121.

29.     李超顾生浩张立祯, 2019. 基于功能结构模型的鲜切百合群体光截获模拟. 中国农业气象, 40(1), 41-50.

30.     郝娜,武志海,张立祯,等.向日葵与蚕豆和马铃薯间作对作物产量和水分利用效率的影响.吉林农业大学学报,201840( 6) : 666-674



31.     Dong, W., H. Yu, L. Zhang, R. Wang, Q. Wang, Q. Xue, Z. Pan, Z. Sun, X. Pan, 2018. Asymmetric ridge-furrow and film cover improves plant morphological traits and light utilization in rain-fed maize. J. Meteor. Res., 32(5), 829-838, doi: 10.1007/s13351-018-8024-7.

32.     Mao, L., Zhang, L.*, Sun, X., van der Werf, W., Evers, J.B., Zhao, X., Zhang, S., Song, X., Li, Z., 2018. Use of the beta growth function to quantitatively characterize the effects of plant density and a growth regulator on growth and biomass partitioning in cotton. Field Crops Research 224, 28-36.

33.     Li, Q., Pan, X., Zhang, L., Li, C., Yang, N., Han, S., Ye, C., 2018. Response of aboveground biomass and soil organic carbon to projected future climate change in Inner Mongolian grasslands. The Rangeland Journal 40(2), 101-112.

34.     Gou, F., van Ittersum, M.K., Couëdel, A., Zhang, Y., Wang, Y., van der Putten, P.E.L., Zhang, L., van der Werf, W., 2018. Intercropping with wheat lowers nutrient uptake and biomass accumulation of maize, but increases photosynthetic rate of the ear leaf. AoB PLANTS 10, ply010; doi: 10.1093/aobpla/ply010

35.     Shenghao Gu, Lizhen Zhang*, Zhenzhen Yan, Wopke van der Werf, Jochem B. Evers, 2018. Quantifying within-plant spatial heterogeneity in carbohydrate availability in cotton using a local-pool model. Annals of Botany doi: 10.1093/aob/mcx210

36.     Dongsheng Zhang, Guijuan Du, Zhanxiang Sun*, Wei Bai, Qi Wang, Liangshan Feng, Jiaming Zheng, Zhe Zhang, Yang Liu, Shu Yang, Ning Yang, Chen Feng, Qian Cai, Jochem B. Evers, Wopke van der Werf, Lizhen Zhang*, 2018. Agroforestry enables high efficiency of light capture, photosynthesis and dry matter production in a semi-arid climate. European Journal of Agronomy https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eja.2018.01.001

37.     Shaojin Liu, Chunxin Yu, Hao Tian, Tanglu Hu,Yan He, Zhaohu Li, Weiming Tan, Lizhen Zhang, Liusheng Duan, 2018. A Novel Bikinin Analogue for Arabidopsis and Rice with Superior Plant Growth-Promoting Activity. J. Plant Growth Regul. 37, 166-173.DOI 10.1007/s00344-017-9715-5

38.     邢晋,张思平,赵新华,闫贞贞,魏然,张立祯.  2018. 种植密度和缩节胺互作对棉花株型及产量的调控效应. 棉花学报, 30(1), 53-61



39.     Qi Wang, Dongsheng Zhang, Lizhen Zhang*, Shuo Han, Wopke van der Werf, Jochem B. Evers, Zhicheng Su, Niels P.R. Anten, 2017. Spatial configuration drives complementary capture of light of the understory cotton in young jujube plantations. Field Crops Research 213, 21-28. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2017.07.016

40.     Qian Cai, Yulong Zhang, Zhanxiang Sun, Jiaming Zheng, Wei Bai, Yue Zhang, Yang Liu, Liangshan Feng, Chen Feng, Zhe Zhang, Ning Yang, Jochem B. Evers, Lizhen Zhang, 2017. Morphological plasticity of root growth under mild water stress increases water use efficiency without reducing yield in maize. Biogeosciences, 14, 3851–3858. https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-14-3851-2017

41.     Weiqiang Zhang, Chunxin Yu, Kai Zhang, Yuyi Zhou, Weiming Tan, Lizhen Zhang, Zhaohu Li, Liusheng Duan, 2017. Plant growth regulator and its interactions with environment and genotype affect maize optimal plant density and yield. European Journal of Agronomy 91, 34-43.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eja.2017.09.008

42.     Dong, W., Zhang, L.*, Duan, Y., Sun, L., Zhao, P., van der Werf, W., Evers, J.B., Wang, Q., Wang, R., Sun, Z., 2017. Ridge and furrow systems with film cover increase maize yields and mitigate climate risks of cold and drought stress in continental climates. Field Crops Res. 207, 71-78.

43.     Fang Gou, Martin van Ittersum, Elisabeth Simon, Peter A Leffelaar, Peter van der Putten; Lizhen Zhang, Wopke van der Werf, 2017. Intercropping wheat and maize increases total radiation interception and wheat RUE but lowers maize RUE. European Journal of Agronomy, 84, 125-139.

44.     Hong, Y., Heerink, N., Jin, S., Berentsen, P., Zhang, L., van der Werf, W., 2017. Intercropping and Agroforestry in China – Current State and Trends. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 244, 52-61.

45.     Yang, Ning, Sun, Zhangxiang, Zheng, Muzi, Feng, Liangshan, Zhang, Lizhen, Bai, Wei, Xiang, Wuyan, 2017. Performance Assessment of Combining AquaCrop Model with Recalculating Air Temperature of Straw-mulching Maize for Estimating Evapo-transpiration and Yield. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 19(5), 1156-1164

46.     Jiao, Y., Yi, Y., Feng, L., Sun, Z., Yang, Y., Yu, J., Zheng, M., Zhang, L., Zheng, J., 2017. Effects of subsoiling on maize yield and water-use efficiency in a semiarid area. Open Life Sciences 12(1), 386-392.

47.     张蕾霍治国张立祯黄大鹏, 2017. Integrated risk assessment of major meteorological disasters with paprika pepper in Hainan province. Journal of Tropical Meteorology, DOI10.16555/j.1006-8775.2017.03.010 (SCI)

48.     张思平, 张立祯, 王晓辉, 张雷, 李鹏程, 马慧娟, 刘敬然, 刘绍东, 赵新华. 2017. 根钻和图像法测定棉麦套种及单种作物根长密度的精确性研究. 棉花学报,29(1), 79-87.

49.     张悦,邸万通,王晶晶,董宛麟,于洋,苟芳,王旗,张东升,顾生浩,张立祯*. 2017.北方农牧交错带间套作资源利用的研究进展. 生态学杂志36( 9) : 26232632.

50.     郝娜,武志海,张立祯,金鸿明,王旗,张悦. 2017. 间套作作物水分利用效率的研究综述. 中国农学通报. 20(33): 23-28.

51.     白伟,安景文,张立祯,逄焕成,孙占祥,牛世伟,蔡倩. 2017. 秸秆还田配施氮肥改善土壤理化性状提高春玉米产量. 农业工程学报, 33(15):168-176.

52.     白伟,张立祯,逄焕成,孙占祥,牛世伟,蔡倩,安景文. 2017. 秸秆还田配施氮肥对东北春玉米光合性能和产量的影响.   作物学报. 431845-1855



53.     Wei Bai, Zhanxiang Sun, Jiaming Zheng, Guijuan Du, Liangshan Feng, Qian Cai, Ning Yang, Chen Feng, Zhe Zhang, Jochem B. Evers, Wopke van der Werf, Lizhen Zhang*, 2016. Mixing trees and crops increases land and water use efficiencies in a semi-arid area. Agricultural Water Management, 178, 281-290.

54.     Yu, Yang, Tjeerd-Jan Stomph, David Makowski, Lizhen Zhang, Wopke van der Werf, 2016. A meta-analysis of relative crop yields in cereal/legume mixtures suggests options for management. Field Crops Res. 198, 269-279.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2016.08.001

55.     Wei-Ping Zhang, Guang-Cai Liu, Jian-Hao Sun, Dario Fornara, Li-Zhen Zhang, Fang-Fang Zhang and Long Li, 2016. Temporal dynamics of nutrient uptake by neighbouringplant species: evidence from intercropping. Functional Ecology 31, 469-479.

56.     Qi Wang, Shuo Han, Lizhen Zhang*, Dongsheng Zhang, Wopke van der Werf,Jochem B. Evers, Hongquan Sun, Zhicheng Su, Siping Zhang, 2016. Density responses and spatial distribution of cotton yield and yield components in jujube (Zizyphus jujube)/cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) agroforestry. European Journal of Agronomy, 79, 58-65.

57.     Qiuyue Li, Lin Xu, Xuebiao Pan, Lizhen Zhang*, Chao Li, Ning Yang3 and Jiaguo Qi, 2016. Modeling phenological responses of Inner Mongolia grassland species to regional climate change. Environ. Res. Lett. 11, 015002. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/11/1/015002.

58.     Lili Mao, Lizhen Zhang*, Jochem B. Evers, Michael Henke, Wopke van der Werf, Shaodong Liu, Siping Zhang, Xinhua Zhao, Baomin Wang, Zhaohu Li, 2016. Identification of plant configurations maximizing radiation capture in relay strip cotton using a functional-structural plant model. Field crops Research. 187, 1-11.

59.     Fei Gao, Tanglu Hu, Weiming Tan, Chunxin Yu, Zhaohu Li, Lizhen Zhang, Liusheng Duan. 2016. Photoprotectant improves photostability and bioactivity of abscisic acid under UV radiation. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology, 158, 99-104.

60.     Li, Long, Zhang, Weiping, Zhang, Lizhen. 2016. How above- and below-ground interspecific interactions between intercropped species contribute to overyielding and efficient resource utilization: a review of research in China. In Luo, Shiming, Gliessman, Stephen R. (eds) Agroecology in China: science, practice, and sustainable management. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton. 20160302. International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-4822-4935-4 (eBook - PDF).  

61.     张立祯(编委), 2016. 中国农业气候资源图集作物水分资源卷,梅旭荣主编,浙江科学技术出版社,杭州,ISBN 978-7-5341-6873-4. 出版日期 201510月第一版.

62.     马有绚, 张武, 张立祯. 2016. 30年我国棉花需水特征. 应用生态学报. 5(27): 1541-1552.



63.      Bhandari, J. ; Pan XueBiao ; Zhang LiZhen; Wei Pei ; Shao ChangXiu ; Bijaya, G. C. D. ; Li QueYue ; Mehmood, I., 2015. Diversity and productivity of semi-arid grassland of Inner Mongolia: influence of plant functional type and precipitation. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 52(2), 259-264.

64.     Chen, C, Pang, YMPan, XBZhang, LZ. 2015. Impacts of Climate Change on Cotton Yield in China from 1961 to 2010 Based on Provincial Data. Journal of Meteorological Research, 29(3), 515-524.

65.     Wei-Ping Zhang,  Guang-Cai Liu, Jian-Hao Sun,  Li-Zhen Zhang, Jacob Weiner,  Long Li. 2015. Growth trajectories and interspecific competitive dynamics in wheat/maize and barley/maize intercropping. Plant Soil, 397, 227-238. DOI 10.1007/s11104-015-2619-x.

66.     Lili Mao, Lizhen Zhang*, Jochem B. Evers, Wopke van der Werf, Shaodong Liu, Siping Zhang, Baomin Wang, Zhaohu Li. 2015. Yield component and quality of intercropped cotton in response to mepiquat chloride and plant density. Field Crops Research. 179, 63-71.

67.     Lili Mao, Lizhen Zhang*, Jochem B. Evers, Wopke van der Werf, Jingjing Wang, Hongquan Sun, Zhicheng Su, Huub Spiertz. 2015. Resource use, sustainability and ecological intensification of intercropping systems. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 14(8), 1442-1550.

68.     宁,孙占祥,张立桢,郑家明,冯良山,李开宇,张哲,冯.2015.基于改进AquaCrop 模型的覆膜栽培玉米水分利用过程模拟与验证. 农业工程学报.31(supp.1):122-132.

69.     陈超, 庞艳梅, 潘学标, 张立祯. 2015. 1961-2012年中国棉花需水量的变化特征. 自然资源学报. 30(12): 2107-2119.



70.     Dongsheng Zhang, Lizhen Zhang*, Jianguo Liu, Shuo Han, Qi Wang, Jochem Evers, Jun Liu, Wopke van der Werf, Long Li. 2014. Plant density affects light interception and yield in cotton grown as companion crop in young jujube plantations. Field Crops Research. 169, 132-139.

71.     Qiuyue Li, Debao Tuo, Lizhen Zhang*, Xiaoyu Wei, Yurong Wei, Ning Yang,Yinlong Xu, Niels P. R. Anten and Xuebiao Pan. 2014. Impacts of climate change on net primary productivity of grasslands in Inner Mongolia. The Rangeland Journal. 36 (5) : 493-503. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/RJ14022.

72.     Wang, X., Zhang, L.*, Evers, J.B., Mao, L., Wei, S., Pan, X., Zhao, X., van der Werf, W., Li, Z., 2014. Predicting the effects of environment and management on cotton fiber growth and quality: a functional-structural plant modelling approach. AoB PLANTS, 6: plu040, doi: 10.1093/aobpla/plu040.

73.     Gu S, Evers JB, Zhang L*, Mao L, Vos J, Li Z. 2014. Modelling the structural response of cotton plants to mepiquat chloride and population density. Annals of Botany,114:877-887.

74.     Lili Mao, Lizhen Zhang*, Xinhua Zhao, Shaodong Liu, Wopke van der Werf, Siping Zhang, Huub Spiertz, Zhaohu Li, 2014. Crop growth, light utilization and yield of relay intercropped cotton as affected by plant density and a plant growth regulator. Field Crops Research, 155: 67-76.

75.     Qian Zhang, Lizhen Zhang*, Jochem Evers, Wopke van der Werf, Weiqiang Zhang, Liusheng Duan. 2014. Maize yield and quality in response to plant density and application of a novel plant growth regulator. Field Crops Research. 164: 82-89.

76.     Qian Zhang, Jun Xiang, Lizhen Zhang, Xiaofeng Zhu, Jochem Evers, Wopke van derWerf, Liusheng Duan. 2014. Optimizing soaking and germination conditions to improve gamma-aminobutyric acid content in japonica and indica germinated brown rice. Journal of Functional Foods, 10: 283–291.

77.     ,潘学标,张立祯,王靖,董宛麟, 胡琦,李秋月,王潇潇,唐建昭,刘哲,赵沛义.2014. 适宜播期提高农牧交错带春小麦产量和水氮利用效率.农业工程学报,30(8):81-90.

78.     王旗,丁留谦,苏志诚,张文婷,高 辉,张立祯*. 2014. 基于网络监测平台的农林间作耗水特征和灌溉制度. 节水灌溉. 10, 1-11.

79.     左元梅, 张立祯, 李隆. 2014. 西北干旱区利用间套作促进能源植物的高产高效. 生命科学, 26(5), 447-450.

80.     张东升,韩硕,王旗,刘军,张伟,张立祯,刘建国. 2014. 枣棉间作条件下棉花密度对棉花光合特性及产量影. 棉花学报, 26(4)334-341.

81.     熊宗伟,王雪姣,顾生浩,张立祯,周治国. 2014. 中国主产棉区气象因子和纤维品质的相关性研究. 棉花学报,26(2)95-104.


82.     Yuan M., L. Zhang*, F. Gou, Z. Su, J.H.J. Spiertz, W. van der Werf. 2013. Assessment of crop water productivity in semi-arid Inner Mongolia. Agricultural Water Management 122: 28-38.

83.     Ren, X., L. Zhang*, M. Du, J. B. Evers, W. van der Werf, X. Tian, Z. Li., 2013.  Managing mepiquat chloride and plant density for optimal yield and quality of cotton. Field Crops Research. 149, 1-10.

84.     董宛麟,于洋,张立祯*,潘志华,苟芳,邸万通,赵沛义,潘学标, 2013. 向日葵和马铃薯间作条件下氮素的吸收和利用.农业工程学报,201329(7)98108. Dong Wanlin, Yu Yang, Zhang Lizhen, et al. Nitrogen uptake and utilization in sunflower and potato intercropping. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2013, 29(7): 98108.

85.     苟芳,张立祯*,董宛麟,于洋,邸万通,赵沛义,妥德宝,潘学标. 农牧交错带不同间套作模式的土地生产力. 农业工程学报,201329(6)129141. Gou Fang, Zhang Lizhen, Dong Wanlin, et al. Productivity of strip intercropping systems in agro-pastoral ecotone. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2013, 29(6): 129141.

86.     Li Long, Zhang Lizhen, and Zhang Fusuo. 2013. Crop Mixtures and the Mechanisms of Overyielding. In: Levin S.A.(ed.) Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, second edition, Volume 2, pp. 382-395. Waltham, MA, Academic Press.

87.     Yanyan Liu, L. Wu, C. A. Watson, J. A. B addeley, Xuebiao Pan, Lizhen Zhang. 2013. Modelling biological nitrogen fixation of field pea (Pisum sativum L.) with a process-based simulation model. Agronomy Journal, 105 (3): 670-678.


88.     Lili Mao, Lizhen Zhang*, Weiqi Li, Wopke van der Werf, Jianhao Sun, Huub Spiertz, Long Li. 2012. Yield advantage and water saving in maize/pea intercrop. Field Crops Research138 (2012) 11–20.

89.     董宛麟,张立祯*,于洋,苟芳,赵沛义,妥德宝,潘学标. 2012. 向日葵和马铃薯间作模式的生产力及水分利用. 农业工程学报(EI)28(18):127-133. Dong Wanlin, Zhang Lizhen, Yu Yang, et al. Productivity and water use in sunflower intercropped with potato. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2012, 28(18): 127133.

90.     潘学标张立祯庞艳梅.2011. 气候变化对石羊河流域棉花生产和耗水的影响.农业工程学报.27(1), 57-69.  Chen Chao, Pan XueBiao,  Zhang LiZhen,  Pang YanMei. 2011.  Impact of climate change on cotton production and water consumption in Shiyang River Basin. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 27(1), 57-69

91.     Zhang L., Van der Werf W., Bastiaans L., Zhang S.P., Li B.G. Spiertz J.H.J., 2008. Light interception and utilization in relay strip intercrops of wheat and cotton. Field Crops Research 107:29–42.

92.     Zhang L., Van der Werf W., Zhang S.P., Li B.G. Spiertz J.H.J., 2008. Temperature - mediated developmental delay may limit yield of cotton in relay intercrops with wheat. Field Crops Research 106:258-268.

93.     Zhang L., Van der Werf W., Cao W.X., Li B.G., Pan X.B., Spiertz J.H.J., 2008. Development and validation of SUCROS-Cotton: a potential crop growth simulation model for cotton. NJAS-Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 56 (1/2): 59-83.

94.     Zhang L., Spiertz J. H. J., Zhang S.P., Li B.G.,Wan der Werf, W., 2008. Nitrogen economy in relay intercropping system of wheat and cotton. Plant and Soil 303:55-68.

95.     Zhang L., Wan der Werf, W. Zhang S.P., Li B.G., Spiertz J. H. J., 2007. Growth, yield and quality of wheat and cotton in relay strip intercropping systems. Field Crops Research 103: 178-188.

96.     Zhang L., Li B.G., Yan G.T., Van der Werf W., Spiertz J.H.J., Zhang S. P., 2006. Genotype and planting density effects on rooting traits and yield in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 48 (11): 1287−1293.

97.     Zhang L. 2007. Productivity and resource use in cotton and wheat relay intercropping. 2007.11, Wageningen Unversity, Wageningen, The Netherlands. 198pp. ISBN978-90-8504-759-9

98.     苟芳张立祯* 董宛麟于洋  邸万通沈姣姣. 2012. 向日葵和马铃薯间作的生育期模拟模型. 应用生态学报, 23 (10): 2773-2778

99.     潘学标张立祯庞艳梅刘琰琰. 棉花地上部形态模拟模型的建立. 中国生态农业学报, 20 (12), 1650−1656.

100.  潘学标张立祯庞艳梅.2012. 棉花地上部生长的功能-结构模型研究. 作物学报 38(12): 2237−2245

101.  熊宗伟王雪姣顾生浩毛丽丽张立祯*周治国. 2012. 中国棉花纤维品质检验和评价的研究进展. 棉花学报,24(5):451-460

102.  熊宗伟顾生浩毛丽丽王雪姣张立祯周治国. 2012. 中国棉花纤维品质和气候因子的空间分布特征.应用生态学报,23(12):3385-3392

103.  陈超,潘学标张立桢庞艳梅.2012. 种植密度对棉花产量构成、成铃和棉铃性状分布的影响. 中国棉花, 39(1)1630

104.  刘绍东赵新华张思平张立祯马慧娟.2012.缩节胺(DPC)与密度互作对麦套棉产量形成影响. 中国棉花学会2012年年会暨第八次代表大会论文汇编. 164-169

105.  董宛麟,张立祯*,于洋,苟芳,毛丽丽. 2011. 农林间作生态系统的资源利用研究进展. 中国农学通报. 27(28):1-8

106.  党小燕刘建国帕尼古丽·阿汗别克王江丽危常州张立祯李隆. 2011. 不同作物与棉花间作对棉纤维品质的影响. 中国棉花, 38(12)1820

107.  刘绍东, 张思平, 张立祯*. 2010. 不同基因型棉花地上部干物质积累对氮素的响应, 棉花学报, 22 (1): 77-82.

108.  陈超, 潘学标, 李慧阳, 张立祯, 龙步菊. 2009. 基于COSIM 模型的新疆棉花延迟型冷害指标分析, 棉花学报, 21 (3) :201-205.

109.  龙腾芳,张立桢. 2006. 基于GIS的作物专家系统研究与应用. 计算机工程,32 (15):176-178

110.  孟亚利,王瑛,王立国,陈兵林,张立桢,束红梅,周治国. 2006, 麦棉套作复合根系群体对棉花根系生长的影响, 中国农业科学, 39(11):2228-2236

111.  张立祯(副主编), 地质灾害及其减灾技术(ISBN 978-7-122-08823-9, 2010.7, 化学工业出版社,

112.  张立桢(参加编著),特用棉及其产业化,2006.11,中国农业科学技术出版社,北京